2023 Impact Summary
Tracy Teuscher

Your generous support has helped us fulfill our mission to restore pollinator habitat, fund conservation, and provide educational resources to the community. This is essential to mitigate the threats to wild bees and other beneficial wildlife, to meet community needs, and to foster healthy ecosystems.
Impact Summary
With combined gifts and a partial matching gift, the Pollinator Partnership received nearly $3,000, restoring 47,520 sq. ft. of pollinator habitat. To date, Ohioans like you have helped restore 107,776 sq. ft. of pollinator habitat through this collaboration.
With combined gifts plus a matching gift from the Dale and Loretta Hart Memorial Fund, the Wilderness Center received nearly $4,000 to benefit two community conservation programs, the Backyard Habitat Initiative, and the Dark Sky Initiative.
And, the 63-acre Oberlin Preserve of the Western Reserve Land Conservancy was added as a beneficiary with an initial $500 donation. Since its initial restoration, nearly 600 native wildflowers, more than 50 native trees, and 30 acres of prairie seed have been planted at the preserve. With few prairies in the region, this preserve provides a haven for pollinators and other beneficial wildlife.
Wait, There’s More
Hundreds of people received free native bee and pollinator education.
More than 4,200 Ohioans used the website to find resources.
Multiple media outlets featured Save Ohio Bees.
Reached and engaged thousands of Ohioans through a Facebook awareness effort.
We answered hundreds of questions for community members.
Our virtual Make a Difference Day event engaged attendees from 6 states including Ohio, Wisconsin, Maryland, Montana, Tennessee, and Washington.
Special Thanks
Special thanks to matching-gift donors, Suntrol and The Buzz Maker. Special thanks to our advisors, Davis Young, Julie Smith, Katie Turner, Anne Young, and Jennifer Hugon. Thank you to our beneficiary partners.
Thank you to the Galea family, the Sapola family, the Smith family, Sharon Teuscher, Michelle Emerson, Jacqueline Kemble, OPN Seed, and the members of the artists Collaborative for your generous gifts, and to everyone who gave what they could.
Thank you to community partners who hosted us, including the Wilderness Center, Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Garden, and The Chef’s Garden, and to those who attended events in person or virtually and pledged to take action in your home places.
Thank you to the Everything’s Not Black & White podcast, Authority Magazine, CanvasRebel, WHBC, The Repository, and The Independent for featuring us.
Thank you to Lake Erie Allegheny Partnership, Western Reserve Land Conservancy, Ohio Native Plant Month, Wild You, Wild Ones Youngstown, Northeast Ohio Pollinator Symposium, Green Columbus, Osmia Bee, UC Horticulture Club, Dr. Lara Roketenetz, Carrie Elvey, OCVN, OSU Bee Lab, Cleveland Pollinator and Native Plant Symposium, Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists, 4-H Foundation Engagement, Columbus Blue Jackets, Luke Rohling, Macie Sheets, bumble bee hero, Nicholas, and all our community partners for helping us spread the word and for everything you do.
Special Event Invitation
Join us on March 14 at 6:00 p.m. for Butterflies Day with the Wilderness Center.
Get details and RSVP here. Free for TWC members, only $4 for non-members.
Remember, it only takes five flowers to feed a baby bee.
With gratitude,
Tracy Teuscher, APR, OCVN
Save Ohio Bees Founder
Certified Ecotherapist & Naturalist