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Bee News

1 in 4 North American bee species is facing extinction, including the American Bumble Bee, our most important pollinator. Learn how extreme climate change, pesticides, and habitat loss cause bee death and how this relates to the sixth mass extinction.


Bees are imperiled

American Bumble Bee is Facing Extinction - 2021, TODAY

The American bumblebee has declined by nearly 90% across the U.S. according to the Center for Biological Diversity. This bee has disappeared entirely from eight states, and is critically endangered in several others.

American Bumble Bee Could Be Declared Endangered - September 2021, Live Science

The American bumble bee (Bombus pensylvanicus) population has plummeted by 89% over the past 20 years, and an endangered species listing could be imminent, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

American Bumble Bee May Be Classified as Endangered After 89% Decline - 2021, Today UK News

The bee, an essential pollinator, has seen its numbers plummet nearly 90% in the past two decades.

Why Bees are Becoming Extinct in a Time of Climate Chaos - 2020, ScienceDaily

"We have now entered the world's sixth mass extinction event, the biggest and most rapid global biodiversity crisis since a meteor ended the age of the dinosaurs. Bumble bees are the best pollinators we have in wild landscapes and the most effective pollinators for crops like tomato, squash, and berries," Peter Soroye observed. "If declines continue at this pace, many of these species could vanish forever within a few decades.”

Hundreds of Native Bee Species Sliding Toward Extinction - 2017, Center for Biodiversity

Saving bees, Saving Ourselves

Saving Bees Can Save Our Planet - 2020, CNTraveler

Everything You Need to Know About Saving Bees - 2021, EcoWatch

How We Can Protect Bees - 2020 Triple Pundit

Bees & Pesticides

Pesticide Use in the U.S. - 2023, Whole Foods

Pesticides Kill Bees - 2022, Environment America

Study Shows Neonics Are Harmful in Any Amount - 2021, PHYS.ORG

Roundup Kills Bees - 2021, EcoWatch